23 Şubat 2016 Salı

tableau - TOP N filter over BarChart


In this entry i will show how to implement a "top n filter" object over our reporting sheet.

First of all , here below we have following chart which contains sum(profit) over region and country for each person.

Now what i want to do is to show Top 2 profits  for each person.

In data panel  creating  a "Calculated Field" and use following formula.

Step 2
Dragging  created object (TOP-N filter) into Filters part.

Step 3
Right click onto TOP-N filter  click "edit table calculation"  and
choose  Compute Using --> Advanced

Step 4
Advance section we gonna select partition and field values in order to define our ranking.

Finally Top-n filter is ready.
Now i am gonna define the range which is top 2 values and Results will be look like this...

21 Şubat 2016 Pazar

tableau Date Formating


In this entry i will show how to format date in tableau reporting screen.

At first I choose excel as my datasource  and  use Orders (Sample - EU Superstore) and I want to see people who have made successful orders and details about it.

In here we have  a column called  ShipDate  and now i want to create a variable  that only shows me YEAR.MONTH information for  aggregations.

Formula for calculated Field:
